Friday, May 15, 2009

Tantrum gets our geek on.

Friday, June 12, at 8pm
Westport Coffeehouse Theatre, 4010 Pennsylvania
$10 all seats (cash at the door)

The new Star Trek movie is a being the opportunists we are, we’ve invited Star Trek novelist Kevin Dilmore back to spin the stories as guest monologist. He’s spent the last couple of months hosting Star Trek events and attending conventions…so you know he’s got some good ones.

You know how it works: On Second Fridays, there are no rules, no scripts and no holds barred. You can give any suggestion. Kevin can tell any story that comes to mind. And Tantrum can boldly go where no improviser has gone before. (So, you know, the show might just contain adult material.)

Kevin's literary career began in 2001 with the publication of Interphase, a Star Trek novel written with his friend and writing partner Dayton Ward. The duo has written numerous novels and short stories based on television shows since, including their latest, Wet Work, based on “The 4400,” published in November 2008. As a freelance writer, Kevin has contributed to publications including Star Trek Communicator, Amazing Stories and Hallmark magazines. He's an award-winning newspaper reporter and since 2005, has worked for Hallmark Cards. His first book for Hallmark, SuperDad (And His Daring Dadventures), is available for Father's Day at your local Hallmark retailer.

Check back for videos of his first WCH show with us. And call 816-678-8886 for reservations—this one will sell out.

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